What a magical day...

I've had a feast of photography today! We went to Petworth Park and were overwhelmed by the deer herds and geese! Unbelievable! I took hundreds of shots there... Then we went to Felpham beach and had fish and chips for the third time since Tuesday! A thick sea mist came down and I got some nice misty shots of the beach there too. Then it lifted after lunch and Alfred had another little paddle, making for a few very cute pictures! I had LOTS of choice of blip today, but I guess I knew the moment I'd shot this one that it would be my choice for today!

We're off to Cornwall at the crack of dawn tomorrow. I'm not sure about the wifi access we'll have. I'll try to blip daily if I can - if not I'll be back blipping. Please forgive my lack of comments during this holiday - I'll try to look and comment whenever I can!


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