
By Mindseye

Bad bad birdie!

Apologies if you find this a little garish, but it's nature as the saying goes! Again it was eagle eyed (no pun intended) hub shouting "quick, get your camera, a sparrow hawk in the garden, I think it's got a bird!" Sadly it had got a bird, not sure what, but there is an awful lot of feathers all over our lawn.....think it may have been a dove or pigeon. I snook out as quietly and slowly as I could so as not to startle it. It was sheltered in one of our flower beds, amongst all the plant life that is now dying back. I edged forward and crouched down behind the tall iris leaves in our pond; the trouble was every time the wind blew, those leaves took the focus off the sparrow hawk! I couldn't have got any closer or it would have seen me for sure.......so this is the best shot I got out of the handful I took that were worth looking at! Again, sorry it you don't like to see this sort of thing.

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