Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

The eye of an Ass!

....well its probably a pony though since I like the title, its staying!!

After being fed and watered by my folks Clare myself and Jonathan headed out to enjoy another fine day here in the Ferry. We headed of towards Dalmeny and Jonathan wanted to go and see "the ponies".

Two are in a field quite close by so of we trotted to see them and they came over to see us which delighted the younger!!

I shot of a few pictures of them at various angles, but was taken by this one and it made me think about how we can often "see" a glimpse of what is going on in peoples lives just by looking into their eyes.

The whole story cannot be told but often it is a window into what is going on inside - happiness, sadness, worry, excitement, anticipation, fear, a sense of calm - all of which the eyes can convey.

And I wondered what sort of lives these ponies had had. At the moment they have a good sized field to roam and seemed well cared for - here's hoping that the rest of their days are good and a sense of happiness will be conveyed by these great eyes!!

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