Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


I've got to the clothes buying stage for the big trip now. I wasn't going to get any new stuff - being on a strict budget and all that.......but then my new credit card arrived.....
And I do need stuff, all my current clothes are old, faded and scruffy! *clears throat* So it is most necessary I'm sure you'll agree.

Decided to go for lots of tops in stripes and spots, all reds, blacks, white and blues. Perfect with my dark blue jeans and converse trainers.
Very french chic. Ooh la la! ;o)

Perhaps I need a matching bag now?

I need suggestions for 'America' songs folks! I'm compiling a USA soundtrack - recommended songs with any of the following places included would be fab. L.A., San Francisco, New Orleans, Savannah, Washington, Boston and New York.

And I have Sinatra covered ;)

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