Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

On to the next chapter

The last day of my maternity today. A new chapter starts tomorrow and I will be rejoining the workforce. Just two weeks shy of a whole year off work... It sure has flown by.

Today has been pretty stressful (not what I had in mind for my last day). P woke up grouchy this morning and hasn't really got any better. We went to music class this morning and that was good. The rest of the day has been trying to get jobs done that I've been putting off for ages and trying to organise myself for tomorrow.

Kids clothes are out and ready, their nursery bags are packed, my clothes have been ironed, my bag has been found, cleaned and filled, plasters have been added to my new shoes (they still rub a bit), food has been organised for nana to give kids their tea....

...Just my packed lunch left to make and then bed!

And I'll have to do it all again tomorrow evening!

I'm actually getting quite excited now. Not particularly nervous, I just want to get there, I want to get started....eek! wish me luck!

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