Tuesday: Skopje

On the move again, this time from Ohrid to Skopje, a drive of about two and a half hours through amazing scenery, including driving through clouds because of the height we were at.

Our arrival in Skopje wasn't exactly straightforward as the directions we had bore no resemblance to reality.  But with a lot of persistence, and a very patient desk clerk, we made it to the hotel in the end.

We have both been very excited about Skopje as we have heard weird and wonderful things about it.  Pyongyang on acid, was one phrase I heard recently.  I'll hopefully show you more of that side tomorrow (suffice to say, we drove past some statues like you would not believe, massive stone lions on bridges, and an imitation galleon on the dry river bed) but, for today, we strolled round the Turkish quarter, where we are staying.  It is the oldest in the Balkans and feels like it should be Istanbul a hundred years ago.  There are old dusty leather shops, ancient signs, tea shops......

I also have to tell you about our hotel room.  It has a round bed, a white leather headboard, diamanté cushions, a jacuzzi that could house a small family, and coloured lights that change every 30 seconds.  We are expecting Jason King to join us for cocktails at any minute......

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