Union Flag

Today we took delivery of our very own flag pole and hoisted the Union Flag! We have talked of getting one for a couple of years but Matthew found one that was a good price so we went for it.....bonkers, oh I think so :)

I had my Radiotherapy planning appointment at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford today, 20 minutes to find a parking space doesn't bode well for my future visits. The treatment will start on 20 October, 5 sessions per week over 6 weeks so finishing end of November.

The staff were lovely but I have to say that today's appointment was the most undignified of all the appointments I have had since the start, not a complaint as that is how it has to be but it made me feel very vulnerable indeed. I am now sporting 3 tiny dot tattoos and they drew on me and took photos before laying me flat with my arms above my head and into the CT scanner.

Eyes are still watering like crazy guess I will have to go to the Doctors to get them looked at.......

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