Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It's life Jim, but not as we know it ...

"What is it Mr Spock"?
"It appears to be a control unit Captain".
"Can you operate it?"
"Negative. There seems to be a problem with disconnecting the existing system from the power source and connecting the new unit through the direct access conduit"
"I need that system up and working Mr Spock. We've got to try a dry run as soon as possible. Do you acknowledge."
"Affirmative Captain. We think we can have it ready shortly".
"Make it so. Oh and Mr Spock".
"Yes Captain".
"Don't scratch the wooden floor when you pull out the old tumble drier".

So on top of a rather ghastly day at work, and  shopping and cooking, we had to buy and install a new tumble drier (our old one basically shredded itself last night). Not helped by the electrics shorting out twice and plunging us into complete darkness.

Still I got to watch the real Captain Kirk with a beer tonight (I mean I had the beer, not him). And it inspired me to blip our new tumble drier close up  a la star trek ...

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