
By 9.30am I had 2 loads of washing out on the line, I'd run on the hills for 70mins and had my breakfast.

Not bad eh? :-)

I'm easily distracted from things domestic. But downstairs looks pretty orderly and I did sort a small electrical issue in the garage, so I did sort of stick to the plan.

My biggest distraction was sorting my fishing gear. When the carpet man arrived to pick up the samples and paper work he was very impressed with my fishing gear all over the floor.

The fisher hunter has since cast his practiced eye over things. Him of the 'take everything with you, including the kitchen sink' ilk, me of the 'just one small bag, even if I don't have what I need' ilk.

I think I'm sorted to everyone's satisfaction :-)

Daylight saving starts tonight and I love daylight saving.

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