hey you, get out of the way !

We started the day with breakfast in Morrisons.Good value and tasty but I think the lad behind the till was having a bad day. His manners were appalling and he was nt happy with the girl who was suppose to be taking the orders and he made his feelings quite clear. Wonder if his day improved seeing as it was just gone 10.30 am I hope it did.

We had driven down to North Kessock to see if we could catch a glimpse of the new baby dolphin or the otter and cub but no luck. There were two lovely swans by the bridge though and a few oyster catchers.

On the way back through Allangrange we came face to face with this Character. What a state it looked. Think it's a young pheasant getting it's male feathers but he did nt look as glam as my Ken. It just stood there in what seems like a burn that runs across the road.It just would nt budge so I had to get out to shoo it out the way. Silly birds, trouble is they never learn. As I looked up we saw two red legged partridge by the road too. One of my favourite birds but unfortunately a car went tearing past and they flew out of the way obviously not as stupid as pheasants.

The red kites were there again, think they were after abit of road kill.

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