at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

'Hold on- we need a spoon'

I took this photo right before dinner. I'd realised our spaghetti squash fritters were rather smushy so I said to Ivy 'hold on- we need a spoon' and went to get one. Came back and she'd found herself one. I did let her try to use the spoon she'd found, but she soon decided mine was a more manegable size. We know hardly have any input to her dinner, you give her a spoon and a bowl and she sorts herself out mostly.

We managed to do both Brogan Began and Rhyme time today- by rearranging the morning nap and totally skipping the afternoon one (which did backfire when she wouldn't go to sleep easily).

At rhyme time, Ivy was a proper little hooligan. When they get musical instruments to play, Ivy walked round the circle and swapped her instruments with every adult she found so she could try them all. She escaped from the circle several times and she opened the CD player and stole the disc out of it. She's small and cute so everyone says 'awww, how clever', but I know she's a monkey really. She did extremely well at the action songs, she lay down for the scarecrow song, she pretended to go to sleep at the end of the anansia song and she pointed to her face when the adults did.

At Brogan began they were doing discovery based play with amongst other things beutiful blocks made out of slices of a branch with the bark left on. I really want a set. I suppose what I need is a branch, some sandpaper and plenty of time. The last bit of the session was about the kids tidying up and practisig listening and using language. Ivy and Seb put jam jar lids into a plastic trolley. Lisa read the kids 'the hungry caterpiller' in Gaelic and had a puppet caterpillar that ate cutouts of the various bits of food the children were given to hold. Ivy managed to acquire too pieces of food so she could feed the caterpiller twice (see she's a hooligan!)

Went back to Katy's afterwards and Ivy roamed about and claimed Katy as her own. She does keep trying to belong to other people today- she left the library following Jenny (and then since the library connects to the school via big glass doors) spotted Euan so he had to come say hello (he had a non contact period)- she tried to cuddle Euan and say 'bye bye' to the school so she could keep him. She left Brogan Began following Katy and then tried to climb into Lucy's car to go with her back to Achiltibuie.

Just as Ivy was getting ready for her bath, Ruth came to the door with her birthday present. She got Ivy a packet of tiny bannanas (ba na na, na na, NA NA, na NAAAAA!) and a book called rainbow rob, that was the perfect book for her as Iyv likes to read when we go to the cheilidh place, even though Ruth didn't know that.

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