
By Cigs

Dryden Terrace (ish)

Hear ye, hear ye! Meeting now required for the MPK.

dwalletta (she's the leader of the gang), 'im indoors and Cigs need to reconvene.

I was out working this morning and the gates to the old tram sheds that I have passed for years and years now and have always been locked - were wide open! I had previously clambered over them, and managed to gain entry through a gap in the perimeter fence off Shurb Place lane at the aforementioned MPK inaugural meeting. But to walk right in? Don't mind if I do!

There was a land rover with drilling kit; the occupants were fully engaged in fixed odds coupons and the Daily Record and ignored me completely as I managed to secure a broad daylight blip in the normally secure surroundings.

So white infill, big black balloon outline; a surprised / smiley in the dot of the 'i'. Slightly toothy effect on the bottom of the 's'; not dissimilar to one at the playing fields at Warriston.

Anyway - if the gates are open, 1300 Wednesday, see you there. Cameras ready!

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