Catalan independence flag on balcony

This is a very common view in Barcelona now. This is the Catalan independence flag, which is displayed on many balconies. The reason for this is the political moment Catalonia is going through at present.

Basically, Catalans want to vote and have their say on the independence issue, but the Central Goverment are doing anything possible to stop this from happening. If anything, they're making the people of Catalonia very angry and, as a result, the independence movement is growing very fast. This, in its turn, is making the pro-indepencence parties happy, as they're getting more recruits and is creating a bigger conflict between Catalonia and the rest of Spain. As for myself, I think that the central government is acting in a very stupid way, but anyway...

9th November is the date for a possible vote on the matter. What's gonna happen? We don't know yet...

Today I woke up late because I didn't sleep very well last night. Later on, I met a friend for lunch and, after that, I met another friend for a drink. The weather was nice and warm.

I only have two more days to go here in Barcelona, and I'm hoping to make the most of them. Fingers crossed for a sunny day tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your comments! On my part, normal service will resume when I get back to Scotland. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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