These are not the Godwits.....

A long day today. We have so many favourite walks and placed around here, but wanted to try somewhere new. A guy from the Suffolk Wildlife Trust suggested Trimley Marshes, quite a large area of lagoons, mudflats and coastal inlets sandwiched between the looming cranes of the container port of Felixtowe and the gentrified Ipswich Marina on the Orwell Estuary. It was a bit annoying that you had to park 2 miles away and walk this before you even reached the reserve, (and of course 2 miles back) but we enjoyed it very much, in particular because of the continually changing scenes at the lagoons, with waterfowl, waders and raptors constantly arriving and departing. We logged 35 different species, including Marsh Harriers, Avocets and Shelduck, and laughed at seeing a field where 7 herons stood stock still. Towards the end of the day, we watched as a long procession of cormorants flew over in the same direction, we assumed to what must have been a spectacular roost. One of the birds I've yet to blip is the Bar-Tailed Godwit, which I have seen many times, but either thought I'd got the wrong bird, or had another one to blip. These are not they. These are Black-tailed Godwits who are reprising their appearance at No 95.

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