Gidday Bud!

New Zealand had diabolical weather today The Boss tells me BUT here we were looking the other way and missed it.
IT was funny but The Boss was mowing the lawn this morning and the sun was shining when these big sno drops (yes really) came drifting down on him. I really DO NOT like random sno drops on my curls it bugs me and causes acrobatic manoeuvres so I went bark inside and left him to it. Ok course it was just an aberration (NEW WORD Aber = That singing group and ration = what I get twice a day) except in this case it was just once…Hope you followed that…Right then.
So totally ignoring the tyre chains and with Suzz windows down so I can get the wind in my curls, off we went and almost immediately The Boss is climbing into bushes and stuff. I like bushes and stuff. MY curls do not, and often The Boss has to do the “Wait” thing and remove foreign objects from my coat. I am terribly grateful and always stand still while this happens before going straight bark into the same bush. Yap…A Wheaten thing I suppose.
Anyway this is what the expedition was all about. Meeting Bud.
We then went home and The Boss upgraded his fruitphone with the new IO thingie and spent the rest of the afternoon annoying The Bossess by rushing into her office (Yes she does work Saturdays at the moment BUT STAY tuned) yelling WOW LOOK AT THIS!!!.....asyoudo. The camera has now got exposure/focus lock and manual exposure adjustment. The last bit is something to do with how much clothing you need for sno drops. (The white stuff not the flower)
Gotta go as he has turned the gas fire on in the lounge and I like to study the effect on my curls for a research paper I want to present later.


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