T'arted Up

The baaaard weather is coming so The Boss shot out to get some hardware this morning and took ME with him. We stopped over on the way home and click click click went the fruitphone. All you Ausi lot thought it was going to be The Shears that went click. But NO my curls are intact until later in the year.
It was a nice day this morning and the garden watering system officially got turned bark on and tested which resulted in a bout of steady rain by 4.00PM. I have barked at The Boss about this before but does he listen…NAH. Anyway it was for the best ‘Cos some old friends M and G came round and I had a wonderful afternoon getting my ears scratched and other favourite fondling. Did I tell you I am really in to fondling?
No Need…It’s a dog thing.
Fondling a dog is way more satisfying than a Cat I recon. I mean we actually take part in an interactive procedure but a Cat…Well they just lay there and let the fondlers do all the work. And another thing we also carry out sniffatronic testing of the afternoon tea goodies incase something is off. You won’t see a Cat do that either. They really just don’t care you kno. Anyway GOOD news…Nothing was off except me when The Bossess looked up at entirely the wrong time and interrupted the final sniffatronic scan and another research opportunity was lost…Sigh.
Curlish Investigation?

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