
By Norm

Bake Off

In honour of the Great British Bake Off final tonight, here's a shot of Ted helping ('helping') me make a carrot cake this evening. His help mainly consisted of turning the KitchenAid up to full speed, then stopping it, and repeat, giggling maniacally the whole time.

I could have chosen any number of shots of the building works for today's blip. I have lots of photos of the foundations being filled with concrete, the mud-bath that is our driveway, the adjoining field full of spoil from the digging, etc, but I'm already a little weary of the mud and mess, so a cakey photo it is!

Friends coming for tea tomorrow, then more on Friday, so it's a 3-layer carrot and pineapple cake! Only half a cup of crushed pineapple so you can barely taste it, but it helps to keep the cake lovely and moist. Just the cream cheese icing to make tomorrow morning.

You might be able to see the red mark on the side of Ted's face... The poor thing got bitten by another child at playgroup this afternoon. Just a younger toddler going through a biting phase of course, but it all happened so suddenly and it was such a nasty bite, it really upset me (not to mention poor Ted!). At bathtime I discovered another ring of teeth marks on his upper arm - the other little boy must really have been hungry! I think he'll have the marks for several days; war wounds from a tough day.

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