
By Norm

Autumn Leaf

I help to run our village playgroup, and each week I'm trying to set up a little art or craft activity. Not all the children are interested in partaking (including my own son who would much rather spend the entire time playing with the toy cars) but some love to - and actually some of the mums love to do it too, often continuing to cut/stick/colour long after their child has lost interest!

So today I provided an Autumn leaves activity, having collected 2 huge bags of the most gorgeous leaves from my neighbour's garden. She saw me collecting them from the pavement outside her house and calls out of the window for me to come into her garden and get more! We used them to make Autumn wreaths and leaf crowns, as well as doing some leaf rubbings. As I unpacked the leftover leaves after group (and daftly, I'm loathe to throw them away as they're so pretty!) I was really taken by the colours of this one with its striking red veins. Nature is amazing isn't it!

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