Orbs In The Hold

A damp start to the day with some showers but dried up but remained cloudy for the most of it. Walkies with Sammy first thing was fine and dry in Cunningsburgh, the showers started when I headed north towards Lerwick.

Another busy day in the museum with more Wool Week workshops in the morning, afternoon and loads of knitters busy clicking away at the Wool Week Hub. After tea, I enjoyed a walk around Cunningsburgh with mam and Sammy and now have my niece Elise over for a visit this evening. Think it's a quiet night in for me and catch up with some rest on the sofa and an early night :)

This morning I had a peerie adventure in the Nil Desperandum and managed to get into the hold but the bunks and galley were flooded and couldn't manage to get in today. I've mentioned before that my granddad Mitchell worked on board in the 1960s. I had been telling my friend Tim, who was with me, of the old stories and pranks granddad always told me and what fun he had on board. I like to think these orbs are granddad and he was exploring the boat with :) Taken at Hay's Dock, Lerwick.

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