Sea day

After the excitement of Batumi yesterday, we set sail for Romania which means a full day at sea today.

The original itinerary of this cruise included The Crimea and, of course, this had to be changed.

Some of us love "sea days".

Beautiful light at breakfast time. The omelette man was happy to pose by the carved oranges which were this morning's decoration. This is the outdoor area of the main restaurant. (Actually - because the ship isn't full, it's the only one open). Food isn't the strong point of the Aegean Odyssey but if you're careful, you can find delicious options.

I was enjoying my smoked salmon and a little cheese when we were treated to a lovely display by a pod of dolphins. All under a deep blue sky and the sea sparkling in the warmth.

A short DVD on an aspect of bridge and then an excellent lecture on Russia, Putin and the "Little Wars" (basically what's been going on in Georgia and the Ukraine and some fearful predictions of what might follow - the time for city breaks to Estonia or Latvia is now!!!!!!!)

Briefing for tomorrow, a leisurely lunch and....... well .......... whatever you feel like. Swim? read? More bridge?

I love sea days. Especially in sparkly weather.

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