Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Fears of a Clown

Behind the rather ghastly bustle of Covent Garden at the height of the weekend is the famous St Paul's Church designed by Inigo Jones and famously known as The Actor's Church because of it's long association with theatreland. It was here I spotted a Charlie Chaplin wannabee nervously practising his act before heading out to busk for the crowds.

Earlier in the day I had been to see Aged P, who was in fine form despite a gammy leg. TSM met me in Shaftesbury Avenue and we grabbed a coffee and a bite in the rather lovely bunnychow in Wardour Street.

Met The Dizzle and Miss F whilst we were scouring the West End looking for restaurants for the boy's 18th Birthday. The whole area was absolutely buzzing in the bright autumn sunshine. Had a really nice afternoon.

Got home exhausted and had fish and chips, we were too tired to cook. It was one of those days ...

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