Secret squirrel

Charlii's girlies have decided to volunteer to help with the hedgehogs at the wildlife hospital, so today we all went back and spent a wonderful couple of hours cleaning out numerous hedgehogs. It was very slow going, as Rosie and willow had quite a few squabbles as to who should don the leather gloves and move the hogs!
In the end Arran and I pitched in too, and eventually we got all the cages cleaned and everything spic and span for another 24 hours! I really admire the couple who do all this, it is a huge undertaking.
Some of the hedgehogs were tiny, and a mum and her 4 tiny babies came in while we were there, and some were really huge and quite grumpy, making all sorts of amazing hissy, grunty noises when they were moved!!
Despite having so many hedgehogs, I felt I just had to blip this lovely little squirrel. He is so sweet, and just sat and watched me with his beautiful floaty tail wrapped round his neck.
Looking forward to tomorrow.

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