
By tpd

deceptively large

The trusty crackberry is rather, uhhh, un-trusty these days. Pick it up? Reboot. Put it down? Reboot. Battery life? Sub-day. Hmmm.

I made the mistake of mentioning this to +1/3. It was like uncorking a bottle of specifications, the facts just wouldn't stop. Then he mentioned the oneplus; a cheap-ish high spec. android device. Looked good on paper, a cursory glance at t'interwebs seemed to confirm it has some rabid fans, hang out on social media for a day or two to secure an invite and a few days later it arrived.

It's actually lovely being back on android - I have apps!

The only problem so far is the huge size. Apparently +1/3 favours phablets and I didn't properly check it out beforehand. Doh.

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