Some Final Hike Thoughts

I asked the woman in the gift store..."If we were scheduled to go 60 miles, and only went you think I can still buy a T-shirt...and wear it?"

"Yes...I think so. At least you tried it. That's more than a lot of people can say."

Like I said in an earlier blip. Woefully unprepared...woefully over packed...and woefully misinformed. But...always you can learn...even at age 61.

Pick a spot with a lower elevation...pack less food and clothes...less miles between shelters...etc., etc., etc.

We still had a nice week, seeing and meeting some nice people. On our last night, the three other people got to enjoy the fruits of our over-packing. Dried fruit, key lime pudding, mandarin orange slices, beef jerky. They were in hiker heaven.

In addition to that, during the night I overheard the 53 year old Dad complaining about not having a sleeping mat beneath his sleeping bag. the morning I made him a "deal" on my pad. I told him every time he took it out, he had to say..."Thank God for those Michigan guys!" his son...I gave my water filtration system. Plus, I had to teach him how to use it.

Disappointed? A little. Discouraged? A little. Disenchanted?
Nah. Defeated? NEVER!

P.S. As an added bonus...I crossed another thing off my bucket list. Using a shovel, I got to dig a hole, and poop in the woods. 5 times! How can you put a price on an experience like that?

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