Little Sandpiper

More like a little Sand Dancer (Which is what they call people from South Shields by the way).
He, and other sandpipers and gulls, were making me laugh because they would peck around the wet area, obviously something tasty in the wet sand, and then when the waves broke and came up the beach they'd all run like mad to avoid the water and then all run back down again when the surf receded.
Look so funny.

Today has been a relaxing day at the Crowne Plaza Salalah. It's not too far from the Yemen border so being a bit vigilant when out and about.
I was a bit wary when I was walking towards Salalah town centre. After an hour and a half (including spending nearly half an hour in a a museum I came across) I was getting a bit weary because it was further than I thought and nearly 40 degrees centrigrade.
A car stopped and the Indian driving asked me where I was going. He said he would drive me there because he'd seen me walking when he went into town and still walking when he was on his way back from town and it is too hot to be walking.
His name is Mohammed, so an Indian Moslem, and when I said he was very kind he said 'No, No, the car is a gift from God and God gave me the car so I could help other people'.
What a great attitude, and I was very grateful.

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