Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Red sky in the morning

I woke up to a red glow in our bedroom, got up and went outside to see what photo opportunities there might be. I was a bit sluggish; we hadn't got to sleep until close on 3 am after meeting a friend at the airport from an Aussie flight. So by the time I got outside I was really too late. The light was fading fast, and I didn't have time to find to a good vantage point, but this gives you some idea of what the morning was like.

The sunrise was followed by a beautifully warm, nor'west morning, with little wind, but then a brief southerly blast around lunchtime just to let us know that winter hasn't quite departed. This afternoon has been calm and warm again, giving us a chance to do battle with a few more weeds in the garden.

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