Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Virtual Vows

Bb and I were out for dinner last night when, on checking his emails, he found one from his mum. It read, more or less, 'I've decided I'd like to see the wedding in Las Vegas after all. Could you arrange??'

Said wedding was about to start in one hour and the invitation was to view it live online. Mmm. We sprung into action. Bb checked the invitation, registered on behalf of his mum, paid by credit card (no such thing as a free wedding these days!), called his mum and asked her to go online and check she'd received the confirmation email. We jumped in a taxi and came back to the flat here in Cairo. Bb then used the programme we'd set up a while back to virtually take over his mum's computer and double check she was all ready - all fine there! We got ourselves connected to Las Vegas, called his mum on Skype and the three of us then sat back, chatted and enjoyed the short wedding ceremony! Voila!

So that was us in Cairo, mum-in-law in Scotland, watching live online her late first cousin's son getting married in Las Vegas! The couple live in Scotland by the way, hence the reason for there being no guests. There was a piper though and after the ceremony they both looked very happy and were laughing and waving at the cameras to friends and family back home. I wonder if they knew in advance how many people were watching and were there with them in spirit?

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