Sausage Sizzle

Gorgeous day. The Virgin Media man came to upgrade our 'Cooncil' TV to Cable. Kids were very excited (Mr S still isn't happy about this).

And the first program they watched out of all the hundreds of channels? - Bambi !

Headed off to Colinton Dell with A and her family. A sausage sizzle in the park in the last few gasps of Autumn. Warm in the sunshine.

This evening No 3 headed off on her very first Brownie Pack holiday. She was very excited (and going by the screams of the other little Angels, they won't be early to bed either!). She is away for 4 days - house is awfy quiet.

8 years ago, when I was very fat and very pregnant with No 3, her two sisters slept in the same dorm on their pack holiday. Arriving back home after I dropped them off, the house was far too tidy and quiet.

Me (full of raging hormones) : "It's too tidy and quiet. What do people DO with their time when they don't have children? I suppose this is how it is going to be for us soon now our two are growing up?" (sniffle).

Mr S : (pointing to my large belly) " Ya daft woman....we're just starting it all OVER again!".

Movie night for Mr S and me. " The Judge " - highly recommended.

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