Water of Leith

An early start for No 1 - working at 7 am - well, someone has to sell the McMuffins?

Bit of a lazy day for me, the house was too quiet and there was loads of things I could have spent my time doing now, but I think I'm in shock at having time on my hands.

Mr S cut the grass and cleaned the oven (thankyouthankyouthankyou!)

I took myself along to the Water of Leith to catch some Autumnal colours. I was taking pictures of the weir when I spotted Harry the Heron. I thought he was a statue as he didn't budge while I messed about with long exposures on the water (need to invest in a filter). Go Large (L) to see him in his feathery glory.

Happy birthday to my niece Jess in Oz and my dad. xxx

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