Scarborough Party

4years 362days

Ballet this morning. She had a fabulous time. I dropped her off and their substitute teacher had them all in waiting the quietest I've ever seen them. She came out very happy as they sang to her and she'd given out the sweeties that she'd taken for her birthday. We had to make a stop at the dance shop to change her first satin ballet shoes as the ones I'd bought for her party were massive - it took five pairs to find the right size! We headed home, packed the car and set straight off to Scarborough for her tea party for our family and friends over there.

We were met at the door by my uncle. We were stood chatting when Katie clocked my brother. She didnt know he was coming and her reaction was absolutely priceless. The beam on her face as she stormed across the room, straight into his arms and up for the hugest cuddle. It was a very special, brilliant reaction. On the opposite end of the spectrum, my best friend's mum arrived (mum of my godbabies in Australia). I told Katie that Nana-Lili had arrived. She charged up from where she was and shrieked "has she brought Max and Edie!!!??". Her face when she realised Lili hadnt was adorable but so sad at the same time. Despite this, she had a very fun time. The highlight of her party for her was playing with the face paints with her cousin. They created a work of art on the whole of Katie's lower arm. A lovely afternoon, including time with friends that we dont see very often!

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