Ninja Monkey gets a pleasant surprise

Ninja Monkey has had a long and, at times, difficult day today. Ninja Monkey wonders sometimes whether the educating of the current generation of teenage ninjas is worth the aggro to be quite honest. In fact, Ninja Monkey thinks that she is losing her touch, after writing ten detention letters in one lesson today.

Ninja Monkey needed an unfeasibly large glass of wine when she got home today.

However, Ninja Monkey's evening has been made all the sweeter for a phone call from Ninja Nana. Ninja Monkey (NM) and the Ninja husband to be (NHTB) really wanted Great Aunty Ninja to come to the wedding, but the Great one is not often persuaded to leave the house, except for covert shopping missions to buy cakes, swarovski crystal and sometimes for little jaunts on the Ninja sharabang to Bury Market, which is, apparently, the height of excitement for Ninja's of a certain age.

I digress.

Ninja Monkey pleaded with Nana Ninja this evening to use her wiley charms to persuade the Great Aunty Ninja to come along and join Ninja Monkey and Ninja Husband to be. Nana Ninja said she would call Ninja Monkey back. Nana Ninja made a remarkably well timed phone call just after Ninja dinner had been eaten, to inform Ninja Monkey that The Great Aunty Ninja would indeed be coming to the wedding, and she had been planning to surprise Ninja Monkey by arranging for Ninja Uncle Lenny to drive her down in his Ninja taxi. Ninja Grandma had been given permission to spoil the surprise, as she had realised that the hotel would need numbers, and indeed, Ninja Monkey might go into a flat spin on the day if additional (but very welcome) guests arrived unannounced, particularly with special dietary needs.

No matter.

Ninja Monkey is a happy monkey now.

So, as for the stroppy ninja teenagers ...ha, youth...they will pay....

Ninja Monkey is now off outside to play with the new extension tubes bought for Ninja Husband to be by Ninja father in Law (to be!).

Oh yes, Ninja Monkey rocks.

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