A bit early!

We bought this at our nearest post office last week, tempted by the price and the show of buds. And today - first one out! (Christmas cactus?)
We were in town at lunchtime, and it was really quite cold! Most people wore jackets, and those who were not looked decidedly chilly!
Bought Russet a new collar, ourselves a few flowers, and my husband had a haircut which I think makes him look younger, certainly very tidy! Not sure if the face cream I bought for myself will have a similar effect!!
Lunch out - just a snack, but I realised that this was the third lunch out I've had in the past four days!
Plenty of cooking ahead though, as my son and his family are coming for half term.

Thank you to everyone who commented on my squirrel yesterday! It hit the Spotlight - my first time, so I was delighted!

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