
By reminisce

Day 2 in Bandhavgarh... and we saw the tiger

Day 2 started incredibly well with us spotting the tiger within an hour of entering the jungle. After spotting a beautiful sunrise, we managed to see the tiger. True enough to what we had been told, we saw the tiger easily at Bandhavgarh. This male tiger was out looking for the female tigress, and calling out to it with a growl. Sure enough after all we learned about tiger alarms, people had heard the spotted deer raise and alarm that this tiger was on the move. And then we raced in the direction where they expected to see the tiger. In a short while we saw those stripes moving in the yellow grass. It was a joyful moment. We heard him make short growling calls, we saw the spotted deer run, and he came out on to the road and walked in the space between our jeeps, on to the other side of the road and continued in his path. We followed him as far as the road could carry and watched him disappear into the depths of the jungle, growling continuously, entirely nonchalant of our awe and stupor. He was on a mission and he would do it.

Since the tiger had been spotted a tiger show is organized, where tourists can get on to a domesticated elephant and go into the depths of the forest and get a closer look at the tiger. The elephants attempt to keep the tiger from moving and if you are lucky until your turn, you may get to see the tiger more closely. The elephant wrenches the trees and branches making its way into the dense forest, guided by the mahout at all times. Today, we reached the spot of the tiger show, saw the tiger cross the road once more but then he smartly went uphill where the elephants could not follow him with a full load of people. Badhavgarh is quite hilly and beautiful.

We did come back for the evening session but saw several birds but no tigers.

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