
By reminisce

Day 3 at Bandhavgarh

This would be our last morning and we would leave early next morning and end this wonderful vacation. But we would also move into the tree house this afternoon after the morning safari.

Our guide in the morning safari was well informed and really good. He knew the tiger had eaten a spotted deer last evening and would be napping right now. This means we could get a good view of the tiger and even have the tiger show. Due to the tiger show we did got the closest and best view of the tiger we had had in the last few days. Quite excellent for our 2 day visit.

After the tiger show I was really excited. I had some really good photos now and the disappointment from Kanha was gone.

The tree house was superb and we were now hoping we had planned better and booked it for longer. We decided to skip the afternoon safari and spend time at the tree house. We could also go for a nature walk guided by a naturalist who was assigned to us.

The nature walk was lovely in the cool weather. We walked into forests around the tree house and spotted several birds, got to know about more plant species and some more tiger stories from our naturalist. We walked close to the boundary of the jungle and also managed to hear a tiger alarm raised by a monkey and a peacock. Of course we did not see the tiger from where we were but it was quite exciting.

Later in the evening we met the rest of the people staying in the tree house across the camp fire and exchanged our tiger viewing experiences. The tree house had mainly foreign tourists. We met people from Canada and the UK. It was a nice exciting evening. People had spotted the tiger later in the evening. Apparently, he had woken up after his siesta and gone for a walk in the jungle. He managed to locate the tigress today and some people had seen both of the tigers.

Tomorrow we would start really early to catch our train. It would be a 20 hr journey back. The memories of this wonderful trip would stay in our mind for the days to come. I for all was most refreshed and de-stressed. This trip had been a real treat not just for the tigers, but for the experience as a whole. It is possible to have whole different experience when one comes back the next time. We were told tiger spotting was even better in summers when the tiger would move around a lot more all day in search of water. So April-May is another very good time. Again Nov-Dec is the mating season for tigers. The parks are closed in the rainy season from the 30th of June to 1st Oct every year.

I decided that I wold come back when ever I can to experience this all over again!

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