
By Cygnus

Savello sunset

Today was our Ancient Rome day and we visited the Forum, Colosseum and did a quick walk around the Palatine Hill to the Circus Maximus, where the chariot races were held.

We had started the day aiming to see around the Capitoline Museums , but when we got to the Palazzo dei Conservatori it seemed strangely unwelcoming, with doors shut. Then we noticed the opening hours - and it is closed on Mondays! Aaaargh!

But in the end it all worked out fine, as we hadn't realised we would have to queue for hours (nearly one) to get into the flipping Colosseum.

As the sun set we found ourselves in the lovely, peaceful Parco Savello, with great views over Rome. Unfortunately the sun set over a building site complete with large cranes, so here is a view of the park instead.

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