A Peerie Harvest

A better day than I was expecting, a dry morning and a few light showers through the afternoon :)

Day off today and not done too much. Fine to get out walkies with Sammy and not get soaked, well I did later in the afternoon when I walked to mam's office from my poly tunnel. The afternoon was spend tidying up around the poly tunnel.
A relaxing evening ahead, before I head to work in the pub tonight.

A peerie harvest at my poly tunnel today. The previous man left me some plants that were still growing. I've got plenty of tomatoes, some peas, spring onions and leeks. Now what can I make with all that? Sammy enjoys coming along with me but a shower came over so head came inside to see what I was up too and thought is a great place to practice his digging skills, I'll maybe not require them just now. Taken at Central, Sandwick.

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