Ninja Monkey wasn't expecting THAT!

Edit - in order to avoid using the word Ninja 35 times like yesterday the following acronyms have been used
NM - Ninja Monkey (me)
NYNM - Naughty young Ninja Monkeys

Today, NM has had what can only be described as an utterly rubbish day (and that's polite).

The root cause of NM's problems today have been Naughty Young Ninja Monkeys.

NM confiscated a football this morning, because one NYNM was playing with it in an area that is clearly marked "no Ball Games". NM very kindly returned the ball to the NYNM concerned at the beginning of breaktime once she had made clear what the rules were and what would happen if he broke them again.

20 minutes later, NM was walking through the same area of school and heard a ball being kicked, turned round and found the ball planted firmly in her face - clearly, her Ninja powers were not working fully at that time (she should have stayed in her office and had that cup of tea after all).

Imagine the irony then, that it was the same ball that NM had returned 20 minutes previously. Bugger.

Did the NYNM concerned rush over with a look of horror on his face? Did he heckers like.

Once NM had regained her composure and had regained the power of Ninja Shouting she roared "Who kicked that ball?". NYNM stepped forward.

Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

In fact, it was not forthcoming.

NM has NYNM's ball in her office. He is not getting it back for the foreseeable future. NM is trying to resist the urge to pop the football and put it in the bin. That would be wrong (but maybe satisfying?).

NYNM has paid with his time after school, at the end of which he finally apologised (thinking he would get his ball back - silly NYNM, how wrong he is).

Dazed and confused, NM then went and taught her lesson, where she was subjected to an onslaught from a slightly older NYNM who wants to argue with everything NM says. Ask him to sit down "No, I'm not sitting down because you tell me to". Fine, stand up then "I'm not standing because you say so". Much circular conversation (loosely. NM trying to remain calm. NYNM being confrontational, argumentative and aggressive, and not seeing the irony when he shouts at me "So exactly HOW am I being confrontational?" This is the same young man I referred to last week who wanted a rise and kept telling me that school was s**t!)

By the time all this was done and NM had been made to feel like utter crap, the next adult who chanced along was unfortunate enough to ask if NM was ok, and NM burst into tears.

NM appreciates her colleagues very much and needed the hugs. Thank you.

NM thinks she has concussion though - her eyes are still squiffy, she feels woozy and out of it and her nose really, really hurts.

NM is going to bed now - to cry and then snuggle up to hot water bottle and feel sorry for herself. Young Gamer Ninja Monkey can come and wake NM when it's time for bed.

It will all be OK tomorrow.

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