Forgetful Ninja Monkey

Ninja Monkey is naughty and forgetful. You would think, at her age, that she might have got more organised and made a note of people's birthdays. Ha ha ha. No, NM is silly, and not at all wise.

SO, Ninja Monkey, Ninja Monkey Husband to Be and Genius Ninja Monkey Boy (more of that in a minute) would like to wish No.1 Aunty Ninja Monkey (no offence to other Aunties - I love you all as much as each other I promise) a very happy belated birthday and hope that you had a lovely day. NM would also like to express her hope that NOG did shower you with love and kisses today...?!

Whilst at it, NM would also like to offer belated birthday greetings to the Supreme Leader Monkey because she didn't realise it was his birthday till he was leaving the Monkey house, I mean Ninja Monkey Training Facility, this afternoon. Happy Birthday supreme leader - you are much maligned, misunderstood and emotionally scarred - this we all know...because you tell the rest of us monkeys every day!

Anyway, Genius Ninja Monkey Boy informed NM today (after NM enquired about the sticker on his jumper) that he came top of his class in his Maths SATs test (practise test - he is only Year 5) and he got a Level 4b....which made NM very happy indeed (but worryingly, NM found herself calculating the required rate of progress for GNMB to achieve Level 5 next year and then lost herself in target setting for him for GCSE...NM is a data nerd).

Well done Genius Ninja Monkey Boy. You ARE indeed wise, despite your youth.

NM is going to have a scone with some clotted cream and jam to celebrate!

Also, good day. NM finished all of her work and some extra for today...woohoo ...NM is on fire....


that hurts....

put it out now..........

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