
By CanonEyes

The morning dew.

More water, but a much better class of water.
I thought there was grass in my lawn, seemingly not.
The garden was sparkling this morning in the low autumn sun so I tried to get some sort of a shot of it.
I'm wandering now, but I have an acquaintance who believes that he is a Star Seed. (Don't ask me! Look it up, and be prepared to be bewildered.)
He preaches the benefits of walking barefoot in the morning dew. Sounds like a method of contracting pneumonia to me.
Anyway, that's enough about him. I don't even know how he got in here.

To my mind, this is the best ever performance of this classic song. Bear with the long intro, it's worth it.
You have to go large to see the tiny dewdrops.

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