Tis Wet

Hi Tom

What a difference to yesterday. Yesterday we had beautiful blue skies and it was really warm, today it is grey, wet and cold. It didn't stop me going out in the garden all day though.

The dogs spent all day outside with me. Oscar was digging his little holes and Maisie was finding lost tennis balls and carrying sticks. We all came inside as it was getting dark and we looked like three drowned rats.

No boot this morning as Carley our trainer was poorly all night. To be honest I needed the extra sleep. I missed out on a run though so I'm going to go out this evening. If it's still raining I'll just go on the treadmill. I really must get this running of mine sorted out or I'll be a disaster this weekend...and next.

Entry to the London triathlon opens tomorrow so I want to be up early to enter. I really hope I get a place. I know I can get a charity place if all else fails but I'd rather get a place without asking for sponsorship. As a family I think we have bled everyone dry asking to be sponsored.

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