wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Holding on.........to fall

It's going to snow this weekend. Seriously freaking snow. I.......am..............not...........happy.

Tomorrow is Halloween or All Hallows' Eve. Either way, I am hugely not a fan of this holiday. Things that bug me about Halloween.
1) clowns
There are always clowns. That's just not right.
2) opening the doors for the marauding hooligans neighborhood kids.
We worry about the cats getting out.
3) people in disguise
4) I don't like it when people hide their identity behind a creepy mask.
5) I don't like it when creepy people hide their identity behind a nice mask.
6) Kids hyped up on sugar.
7) left over candy..............I feel it my responsibility to eat every piece I can get my hands on get rid of the remains.
8) having to stay home to hand out candy ( a neighbor is having a party)
9) not everyman in a pirate costume is a pirate. ;)
10) unless you close your eyes.

So I have to dress up in a non scary appropriate costume for work tomorrow. I guess my naughty nurse nun outfit is out. I have decided to go as .......wait for it..........a cowgirl. I went to the Goodwill this afternoon to look for a plaid shirt to wear with my skirt and boots.
Now the Goodwill was an experience this afternoon.
I have a piece of advise for anyone who thinks going there a day before Halloween is good idea. Step back from the Goodwill. Walk away. If you see a woman with 3 or four kids in a shopping basket screaming, stay the heck out of their way. She means business. It was a cartoon. The youngest screaming, there was one with a un distinguishable mask and a sword, they others seem to disappear in this menagerie. group she called her family.
They scared me.

So I didn't find a vest but I did get a skirt.............and a headache.

I'm packing it in to bed. I seem to finally have admitted that I need more than 4 hours of sleep at night. I'm liking this.
So goodnight to my friends in the north and good morning to Downunder!!!

Oh yeah it's a leaf.
( could be a pirate ......close your eyes)

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