Life through the lens...

By ValC

Groovy Baby

Now I just couldn't resist this blip shot! Have a look large.
Taken in Aylsham this morning.

We were at the monthly farmers market when we heard some jazz being played.
I went to investigate, and at first saw the " older" men playing. Thought what a great name for their band. As I looked down I realised they had a gatecrasher!
He was taking things so seriously too. Just look at his little face!
So in spite of all the beautiful Autumn shots,I took later, I just had to make this my Blip for today.
Hope you like it too.

It has been another beautiful day here.
Great shopping in Alysham, including locally grown sprouts, celeriac,tomatoes,leeks, carrots and potatoes.
Bread and Chelsea buns from an artisan bakery.
Wild sea bass, and fresh Cromer crab from the fish van.
Sausages, bacon, and black pudding for breakfast, and locally shot partridge for tomorrow's evening meal, when my brother-in-law and wife arrive.

We had coffee and scones ( the best ever) from "The Old Fashioned Tea Shop"
MrC had a proper beef burger, with fried onions, cooked on a BBQ at the market.

Aylsham ( see map) is a wonderful small market town, with proper food shops. Like going back in time! I love it. Not one multiple retailer, except Tesco which is on the edge of the town.

In the afternoon we went to Mannington Hall for a walk through the grounds.
The sun shone, and it felt really warm.
So peaceful ,and the countryside looked beautiful in the golden sunlight.

Then finished down on the shingle beach by the marshes, just as the sun was going down, and as if on cue the geese came flying overhead in their wonderful formations,looking for a place to roost for the night, before they fly back to feed in the fields tomorrow.

Tea and biscuits and a rest now, before I start to cook the sea bass for our evening meal.

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.

Many thanks for your comments and stars for my godwit yesterday.

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