A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Following from some of the idle chat of the previous evening and a great night's sleep we decided to head off in search of a couple of local geocaches*. To cut a long story, a loss of phone battery and an enormous amount of searching short we did indeed find both of the caches in the local area. Anna and I have been out searching for one near us here in London before without success so we were particularly delighted to have our first find under our belt. Also gave us some potential help into the mindset of a geocacher and we will be off again to search for the one that has so far eluded us.

Back to the house for a splendid roast lamb Sunday lunch and a trio of spectacular desserts. Followed by a tour of all the progress our friends have made in the building / restoration project that is their house. And time for a last drink in the afternoon sunshine before heading to the airport and journeying home.

A splendid weekend to end a really great holiday. School and work and all that other stuff we do are great but holidays really are the best.

Lesley x


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