Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Robin to the rescue.

After we had our breakfast, J decided he was going to make some pasties. Sounded good to me, but when J does any baking, the kitchen is a no go area to me. He finished before lunch, and the pasties were looking very good indeed. He said to text Bob, and he came to the back door. and J gave him some pasties for his lunch .I think there is a Great Welsh Waist Off going on around here, because if this cooking carries on between them, my waist will be none existent. I did think we were going to go out this afternoon to look for a blip, but J started working on the board . I was racking my brains about what to blip, when around about 4 o'clock i looked out the garden, and saw my little Robin. I was so thrilled to see him, as he hasn't been around for about week. It's not as sharp as i would have liked, but i am glad he came to the rescue. No prizes for guessing what we are having for our meal tonight. Mmm, i can't wait.

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