
Put my new bobble hat on this morning (brrrrr cold up North) and Squidge said, "Mummy you look like Peter Rabbit"!! Ha ha!!

Now I don't want to jinx anything but it seems I feel better, Squidge feels better and Angus feels better. Could we finally be getting back on our feet? I do hope so.

Had a very productive day but sadly read Shelley's sage advice from yesterday about eating frogs first too late! Apparently frogs are the jobs you don't want to do! I definitely didn't do any frogs today although I did work hard. One proposal I have outstanding is now two weeks overdue (am stretching the goodwill of that particular client!) Will take Shelley's advice tomorrow!

Squidge loved nursery today (phew) and Angus is coming home shortly for a night on the sofa (football putting pay to any cosy film thoughts I had earlier in the day....grrrrr!)

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