wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Lunchtime walk

I don't care how cold it is. I am going to try and walk every day. Oh and by the way, it was cold today. But I am tough Maine stock and we thrive on cold (no we don't). We laugh in the face of weather (yeah I am lying) and we are able to push through the pain ( only if I have an audience).
I found this leaf today. I don't know what kind it is but it's wicked cool.
Getting outside and away from my desk is huge. I am so happy to escape. Trouble is.......I don't want to go back. Especially on days like today. People were strange. I was totally reamed out by someone this afternoon. It was ok. He was sick and it wasn't personal. I just agreed with him and thought about what I was going to blip tonight. Another escape. It's a good thing.

Sometimes it's not about excuses. It's not about apologizing. It's just about letting someone vent and listening to them. I am trying to learn that. It's amazing how easy that can be. ( actually I was not wearing tight pants today. That made it easier).

People were really strange today. It is voting day today and maybe that's it. My sister informed me once that Democrats vote on the Wednesday after the election. I didn't fall for that. We are diametrically opposed on almost everything but I miss her. We worked together everyday for years. It's really strange not having her there. Another sister Laurie and her daughter Jennifer also worked with me for years. I am the only one left there.

On the home front:
Tony ( my newest kitty 4 year old orange stripes) informed me today that we have a situation.........there is a spot on the ceiling. It may have at one time been a bug, or a leaf or God knows what but, it is way up high and it bothers him. He will stare for a long time. Occasionally he lets out a small pitiful cry. It is the most important thing in his world at this time and it is causing much angst. I suppose could get up there and clean it off............
There is another one in the corner of the kitchen by the cellar door ( in Maine we have cellars not basements) it's a situation I tell you. I just played with him with the flashlight. He is going to need kitty therapy.
Mia spotted a piece of material hanging down and after lying across my shoulders for about 20 minutes has decided that it needs to be dealt with. This will keep her busy for a half an hour at least.
Ethel is sleeping. This is the joy that is Ethel. She is old and has learned that even if she does nothing, we still feed her and give her kisses. She yawned this afternoon and is still sleeping off the excitement

Tonight is chorus and I am getting ready to go so I am off. I am boring tonight and that's ok.
I mean there is always tomorrow........... I have taken Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. Yay!
So good morning down under and good night to the north!!!

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