wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew


I am off my axis. I am confused and am forced to question reality. You see the governor was re elected. Paul Lepage I am devastated. Read about him. I absolutely am floored.

I have tried not to let this shadow my day. It was a good day and it went great except for that heavy feeling that crawled in my chest when I remembered. I can't even go into detail. However after these elections our rights as women are severely compromised. How can a congress and senate with a 10% satisfaction rate be re elected? I am so glad I have no Oreos. You would find me Oreo drunk and crying in the corner.
Ok enough about that.

I really love my walks at noon. I get out and away. It's so needed. Thursday and Friday are days off for me this weekend and I am looking forward to spending time with some friends.
We are also playing tomorrow night. I can't wait.

So I am packing it in for the night. Tomorrow is a new day. Eyes ahead. Chin up and move forward.
On the home front, Tony cornered a bug, on the ceiling and stared at it for about 25 minutes. He is pitiful. I am in love with this kitty. He could care less. He loves my husband. He sleeps on his place on the couch and if Donal is sitting there he will sit and stare at him. Trying to get Don to move.

So since Downunder is 16 hours ahead it's noontime so g'day to you and sweet dreams to the north.

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