Watching pennies and calories

I should congratulate myself on twin achievements this evening — saving pennies and watching calories.

It was fairly late in the evening by the time I hit the supermarket on the way home. My intention merely to buy a bag of salad leaves for a light dinner. But it appears that I hit the shop just at the right time as staff prepared to reduce date-limited items.

That resulted in my proposed evening meal of a modestly light salad becoming a tad more indulgent — leaving me to make the most of a generous Orkney crab salad, with salad leaves and rocket, plum tomatoes and a French baguette . . . all for the princely sum of £3.63. And with plenty left in the fridge to enjoy the same tomorrow at no additional cost. The only full price item I added was a couple of new potatoes and a free range hard boiled egg which were already in the store cupboard at home.

True, the baguette will probably not go further than breakfast tomorrow. Like all bread made with French flour, while the taste is delicious, it generally has a very short life.

But who’s complaining with two generous meals, even slightly extravagant, for two evenings at £1.82 a time, it had to be my lucky evening . . . saving pennies and watching calories all at the same time.

Only wish I had been home in time to do the lottery. Who knows how far my luck would have gone?

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