bucks life

By bucksmiss

1655 and IT

I got up at 6.30am to do a couple of hours work (in bed!) which went swimmingly until the system crashed at 8.30am, thankfully just after I'd thought to save most of my work, 'just in case'. The tender had to be in by close of play today and I had promised my bit to my colleague by 9am. Aaghhh! When I got to the office to see what I could retrieve, I found that it was the whole system that had crashed not just my home network. Double aaghh!

I did not get back online until noon and had to find some ingenious ways round the problem, including good old fashioned pen and paper! How quaint.

And yet.... some clients of a local charity founded in 1148 came in today to inspect two engraved tin trunks full of deeds. I saw some vellum deeds complete with spidery writing and seals dated 1655. Wow! Those were actually the oldest documents I've ever handled. Quite a privilege and it made my day. I don't suppose any of my emails will survive in 350 years' time!

I managed to get a deal over the line and then had a break over lunch. We had a wash up meeting from our seminar - a bit self congratulatory, I must say.

I think I've fallen out with my boss after my appraisal. I'm certainly keeping my distance but we'll see. I may have to have another talk with him. One day, I may actually say what I really think!

I didn't get home til 6.30pm, having previously promised to make a roast chicken dinner. Good old L manfully stepped in with the preps and continued to redecorate the landing. Honestly, he puts me to shame but I just can't keep up with that energy.

It was Dallas and some good chats with the lodgers. I had planned an early night but failed.

I'm due to see my sis for my afternoon off tomorrow but I'm wondering if work (or her labour, due any time) might get in the way...

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