The Accomplice

This chunky little fellow is one of a small group of squirrels identified by the powers-that-be as the “wildlife” living on the grounds of the city center/courthouse where I work – the very group we employees are forbidden to feed as reinforced by this sign . I would never be able to live with myself, or to hold my head up with certain family members/friends if I paid any attention to such an edict.

I really don’t mean to be contrary, but this has to be one of the stupidest things ever. I don’t think I've ever seen more than 4 squirrels at one time in the area, so the reason for the feeding ban can’t be to deter an infestation of the critters. It’s one of those arbitrary rules government makes just because it can and just because it’s easier than solving some of the more pressing problems.

A security guard recently confronted another peanut scatterer so they’re definitely serious about stopping this dangerous behavior which is apparently second only to making people take their belts off at the security checkpoint in the lobby. Anyway, now I carry shelled peanuts since they blend nicely with the beauty bark in the weed flower beds (there’s something the power- that-be could concentrate on – landscaping).

Personally, I think the squirrels add something to the ambiance of the place, but since I’m not an elected official nobody cares what I think. Fortunately, I’m not the only one who would rather have squirrels as friends than politicians.

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